Saturday, November 23, 2019

The year is nearly over what now 12 reso-YOU-tions for 2019

The year is nearly over what now 12 reso-YOU-tions for 2019The year is nearly over what now 12 reso-YOU-tions for 2019This year is nearly over and you might be looking at the New Year with some skepticism. You didnt accomplish everything you had wanted to at the beginning of 2018. You might not have gotten the promotion you wanted, the new career role you had wished for or over the doubt the holds you back from the executive presence that commands the attention necessary to be effective. You are probably thinking about your resolutions for 2019.Would you take a trip without a map? Of course not. We think we can create a resolution and get there just because we want to. It doesnt work that way. The reason most resolutions fail is because they are simply notions centered on getting something and not grounded in the root of what drives people authenticity and values.12 Reso-YOU-tions for Results in 20191. Write down your goals. Studies show that people who write down their intentions reach them far mora than those who dont.2. Define what you will let go of. Whats the head trash that inserts itself in your life every time you want to make a leap? Sometimes we need to eliminate before we can add.3. Define who you will let go of. People are toxic too. Who would you be without negative influence?4. Sure up a financial safety net. Max out your 401(k) contributions. Take only short term car loans. Automatically deposit from each paycheck into a non-accessible savings fund. Revisit your estate plan and bank accounts for changes in beneficiary status. Delay social security.5. Put a mirror on your desk. Do you smile on the phone? What can you learn from inviting feedback without self-criticizing or being defensive?6. Tame your head trash by labeling the root feeling, being curious and affirming that the feeling is OK. What is at the root of your behavior? It is certainly a feeling. Im feeling a little freaked out by the risk and its ok Im capable not I am so freaked ou t and overwhelmed I dont have time to do that.7. spielblttchen one word to describe your intent for the next year. Post it with the anniversary date where you will see it every day. Open, Influence, Leverage, Courage, Explore, Welcome, Innovate etc. Pick a new word in a year.8. Build your self-awareness by working from the inside out. Name brand suits, designer shoes and expensive accessories are no substitute for character, humility, talent, influence, self-awareness and charity. Who are you no matter where you are seated at the table? Slow down and name what you are discovering.9. Invite compassion in by intention. When feeling afraid, conflicted or guarded think, I will pause to switch to deep listening for the big picture issue, or May I be the catalyst for compassion here.10. Start a Gratitude Journal to release expectations and center in the present moment. Write one thing you are grateful for each day. Write one thing you notice about yourself each day. Its hard to compare w hen the bright light of thanks is shining on the good things.11. Simplify by scheduling systems into your life. Bookkeeping night, laundry day, grocery shopping day, expenses analysis time, date night, monthly measurement of key indicators.12. Plan one BIG Leap. It should be something that really scares you and excites you You should be able to describe it in four words or less. Leap with an intent to learn where failures are learning tools in the process. Within the next year I will If you dont know where you want to be next year at this time, youre already there. Here is a link to my free Career and Life Planning Tool https// that I give my executive coaching clients at the end of each year. Wishing you a vibrant start to 2019.MaryLeeGannon, ACC, CAEis an executive coach and corporate CEO who helps busy leaders get off the treadmill to nowhere to be more effective, earn more, bemore calm and enjoyconnected relations hips with the people who matter while it still matters.Watch her FREE Master Class training on Three Things to Transform Your Life and Career Right Now

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